Examination Guidelines
Students should take note of the following with regards to examinations:
Before the Examinations
Desks are to be cleared of all books, and other material
The walls should be cleared of any posters or charts
Desks should be arranged for maximum space between students
During the Examinations
Any books, notes, used for revision just before an exam must be left in the space provided.
Students are not to have on their person any papers or other study aids, cell phones, or calculators (unless required for the particular examination).
All writing pads MUST be placed on the Teacher’s desk before and after each exam.
Students are NOT allowed to communicate in any way with one another. If an explanation is required or an emergency arises, students must raise their hands to attract the attention of the invigilator.
Once the examination has begun a student is not allowed to leave the classroom unless in an emergency. In this event she must be accompanied by a teacher.
Each student must have her own stationery and will not be allowed to borrow an item from another student.
Once a student has entered the examination room and seen the examination paper, she will not be allowed to resit the examination if she leaves the room before the termination of the examination
There is to be silence while the invigilator distributes the writing pads and examination papers and while the papers are being collected after the exam.
When everyone in the class has completed an exam, answer and question papers will be collected by the invigilator.
Any student found cheating will be graded with a zero for that exam.
If a student is late for an examination, she will not be given extra time to complete the examination.
After the Examination
Desks are to be cleared of all books, and other material
Writing pads are to be checked carefully to ensure that all answer sheets have been handed in. No answers (left “by mistake” in the writing pad) will be accepted after the teacher has left the classroom.
Students who are not present for an examination must provide a medical certificate within two (2) days if consideration has to be given to allow them to write the examination at a later date. If no certificate is obtained a zero mark would be awarded.
Exam Materials:
Standard size writing pad 8½” x 11” (white)
writing implements – pens, pencils, coloured pencils, ruler, eraser, mathematical instruments – placed in a clear plastic bag for ready viewing